Company Culture Is Not a Game - Unless It Is

A workshop for learning how to create a culture
where your employees thrive
Experience this hands-on interactive workshop with the first-ever board game designed to illustrate what is and is not a great company culture. This workshop is designed to help attendees compare and contrast important benefits, features, and attributes to discover how they can apply it to their own organizations. This workshop includes a deep dive into culture, and results in actionable initiatives for your organization.
Employee engagement is more likely to occur by


when employees have Career Advancement Opportunities
Employee’s engagement increases by


when they are given job specific training and professional development opportunities
Happy employees outperform
competition by


Employees rated the opportunity to use skills and abilities at a whopping



Bringing All Levels of the Company Together

What Is Company Culture?
We’ll deep dive into what company culture is, what causes it to fray and what revitalizes it.

What Helps Your People Thrive?
How does a great culture feel, what does it look like to you, is a great culture what you see at your workplace?

How Will You Measure Your Initiative?
We care as much as you do that the training “sticks” and you have a strong, prosperous, loyal and happy workforce.

Here’s what you’ll get in your half-day workshop:
  • Valuable takeaways about company culture and what your employees need to succeed
  • Hands-on interactive game-playing session
  • Debrief questions and discussion
  • Identify and Brainstorm action
  • Make your company vision come alive – Create customized initiative(s) for your organization!

    You’ll have a thought sharing, belief defining, idea generating, collaboration producing, solution implementing experience!

Make Your Company A Great Place To Work

Even the biggest and most successful companies have their weak spots.
Where does your company have room to improve?


"Playing this game activated my prior knowledge of all the roles in a company. It also helped me to reinforce what I was currently learning. The game helped me to develop future professional goals! Learning was fun and I love learning something new everyday especially improving my vocabulary! Thanks for valuing my opinion. You are very creative and I love learning from you!"

Mary Dee Jimenez

"The game "Company Culture" creates the opportunity for open communication as participants are presented with several issues that commonly arise in the workplace. Players discuss different scenarios and consequences from different perspectives, as either exempt or non-exempt employees. The concept of "Traction not Transaction" comes through because "Company Culture" stimulates open communication to create actionable items to really create positive workplace traits, not just talk about them. We all want to spend our day in a workplace that embodies a culture that demonstrates positive values and where people enjoy coming to work, feel appreciated and are acknowledged. Playing "Company Culture" is an extremely effective team-building activity that can be used over and over to work toward those goals!" 

J. Ziol

"I loved the game for the fun but more importantly for the conversations it could open up in a company, among the leaders and the employees of that company."

Cheri F.

"I think the game is an essential asset to any company as it highlights the importance of understanding one another between higher and lower level employees which is something that is lacking in many businesses. It's thought provoking while not forgetting that having fun is just as important as the conversation itself."

Aaron P.

“I so appreciated The Company Culture Game created by Stephanie Angelo.  An important part of a culture is engagement and this game embodies that premise.  With careful thought and consideration, Stephanie has created an opportunity for your team to experience relevant scenarios and choices.  These will give you a platform to have important discussions to lead your company to greater success.” 

Julie Ann Sullivan

“We participated in the workshop "Company Culture Is Not a Game - Unless It Is" and got to the play her game Company Culture - a Game of Workplace Traction not Transaction led by Stephanie. It was fun and engaging, but also thought-provoking and we each walked away with some good ideas to continue building upon our strong cultural foundation at Amalyn Consulting. We had a chance to interact as a team and to provide feedback and suggestions as individuals. I recommend Stephanie's game for organizations that want to leverage their leadership team's talents and ideas to continue moving their organization forward in a positive way.”

Amy Shuckhart

“Our team really had fun during our Company Culture is Not a Game workshop!!  It was refreshing to spend time relating with one another and talking about what makes each of us tick.  Playing a game together that focused on building culture and recognizing what ‘good’ culture is and what ‘not so good’ culture is was both fun and productive!!” 

Colleen Riske
Amalyn Consulting

"This workshop got people finally talking about issues that were always the big elephant in the room.  Now they are past tense." 

D. Green

"I'm so glad we had this workshop.  It's not just that it was fun.  It's that we felt comfortable learning about ways we could be a better company and then we actually did something about it."

Ayaan K.

"It was a little shocking to hear my staff tell me things about what it's like to work here and what I'm like as a CEO, but it's information I needed to hear."

E. Melendez
"It was a fun and enjoyable 3 hours. Time well spent!"
M. Allen
HR Director

About the Presenter

Stephanie Angelo, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, CVP

Stephanie Angelo has over 30 years of experience working with companies like Doubletree Hotels, Scottsdale HealthCare, and CopperPoint Mutual helping each grow and thrive. She has written a book, invented two board games, and spoken all across the U.S. and in Europe. Her passion is working with companies to develop and foster strong company cultures by establishing innovative, customized, in-house programs to create what she calls Traction not Transaction .

“I love what I do. Very simply, when companies I work with report high employee satisfaction, great employee retention and loyalty – when they achieve, and even surpass their goals, I succeed too.”

Next Steps

Contact us to learn how we can help you attract,
train and retain your employees.